Jamie and I decided to have a baby after she bugged me for at least four years. She would nag me by saying, "I would like a baby before I am 30." So I said OK and we started trying in Jan. 2006 and by memorial day we found out Jamie was going to have a baby. At that point we did not know what the sex of the baby was. We went to our first ultrasound on Aug. 16th and found out we were going to have a boy. The next day we went to visit my sister who was in the hospital for kidney failure, I made a bet with her that we were having a girl and she said we were having a boy. So we gave her the $5.00 she won on the bet. We even showed her the ultrasound pictures, but we were not able to tell her the baby's name for we did not have one picked out yet. The next day Pam passed away due to septic shock, but she is still going to be his favorite aunt even though my son will never get to meet Pam. Pam loved Sean from the moment we told her we were having him.
This is the first picture of Sean, his profile, leg, and foot.

These are the second set of ultrasound pictures, first picture is of his face with mouth open, second is of him with his hand out in front of him, and third picture is of him with his hand on is head.

This is a picture of me just before Sean was born. I was waiting to go into the O.R. to be next to Jamie during her C-section. The other three pictures are of Sean while the nurses were checking Sean over making sure he was healthy. Jamie was still in the O.R. recovering from surgery.

These are Sean's stats at birth.

This is a picture of me holding Sean when he was only a few hours old, that is me standing next to my father (this is his first grandchild he was allowed to hold or see before the child turned 13 years old) he is a proud grandpa if you can not see that.

This is my twin brother holding Sean while standing next to Jamie, which just happens to be the only picture of her in the hospital.

These are two of the many pictures of Jamie holding Sean, after Sean and Jamie got out of the hospital.

This is my mother holding Sean after he was released from the hospital. And this is what happens when a mother asks for pictures. They ask for your kid to be nude on a sheet.

These are pictures of Sean during and after one of his baths.

This is when mothers go nuts with baby outfits.

Jamie put Sean in orange overalls that was worn by his cousin Andrew, and I am holding Sean after Jamie was done doing her dress up session with Sean.

Here is some the my family who wanted to hold Sean, 1st. picture is Bill my adopted uncle he is going for a kiss on Sean's forehead, 2nd. is my sister Kathy, 3rd is my niece Megan, 4th. is my brother Robert who fell asleep while holding Sean, and last is Amanda my twin brother's girl-friend.

The 1st picture is Jamie's mom Helen, 2nd is her father Mark, and 3rd. is her sister Char.

Sean with his first sunglasses